
My writing is personal and universal. The longer works are in the form of collections. I create collections of essays with a relatable theme.

I am working on a book of essays titled Walk Away. The theme is that sometimes, you must walk away from what you know to discover who you are. And I am working on a memoir, A Beautiful Moment. There, you will read about the unconventional relationship of my marriage to a man twenty-five years older and how it affected my life.

For years, as a social scientist, I wrote about the impact of the psychology of human communication on relationships. This led to references, interviews, and citations in major national publications like The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe, Family Life, USA Today, Good Housekeeping, and many more. I was quoted in USA Today and The Denver Post on the day my younger grandson was born. I saved both publications for him. That’s what grandparents do.


American Writers Review 2022:
The End or the Beginning?

Published 2022, San Fedele Press

American Writers Review is a prominent publication that brings together original voices in remarkable anthologies. I am proud to be one of those voices. My essay, "I've Been Waiting For You" was selected for the 2022 edition.


Published 2021, Writing for Peace

I am honored to have my essay, Graphing Forgiveness, selected for this important 10th year anniversary anthology. The volume focuses on writing for peace.

Psychology Books

Psychology of Communication
Simon and Schuster, Publisher

Everyday Experiences in the Psychology of Communication
Pearson, Publisher

Beyond the Psychology of Communication
Pearson, Publisher

The 21st Century — A Psychology of Communication Perspective
Pearson, Publisher

Sanity and Psychology of Communication
Simon and Schuster, Publisher

Children’s Books

Max and the Mysterious Noise

Reviewed by Kim Tomsic an Award Winning Kid Lit Author

Little Max is ignored by the wacky townspeople who are too fearful to ask for help. The mysterious noises of Clippity without the Clop make Mr. Mint insane. Then Zippity without the Zing pushes Miss Herkimer to the edge. Eventually, the fun-to-say sounds in this read-it-again book reveal that Max's courage saves the town from The Mysterious Noise. The back matter helps guide parents, educators, and caregivers through discussions of self-worth, speaking up for yourself, and improving the world at any age.

Sam and Gram and the First Day of School

Gram helps Sam get ready for the big day!

Fast-paced and fun, with vivid, cheery illustrations, this book takes the child reader hour-by-hour through a typical first day at school — so a child will know just what to expect on their very own big day — and also look forward to all the fun things that happen at school.

Written by a national expert in communications and human relations, it also has two special sections:

  • Things to Do," a list of practical, simple things you can do to help a child prepare for school, and;

  • "Things to Talk About," a list of questions to get the child thinking and talking about his or her feelings.

Sam and Gram and The First Day of School is also available in Chinese and Korean.